Strathcona Spirits Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer
Silky-smooth & completely unscented. Made using Canadian plant-based (food grade) alcohol, to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy!
If you're a business or non-profit and looking to purchase bulk quantities (25+ units), please email us directly at sales@strathconaspirits.ca for special pricing.
This product can be shipped across Canada. Available today for instant curbside pickup!
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Technical Details:
Strathcona Spirits Distillery Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer
WHO-Recommended Handrub Formulation // Health Canada Approved
Product Details: Formulated to the World Health Organization's standards (70-80% v.v. ethanol/ 1.45 v.v. Glycerol/ Hydrogen Peroxide 0.125 % v.v.). Unscented. Plant-based ethanol used.
Viscosity: To stay within WHO's Recommended Handrub Formulation, we've avoided adding any thickeners, so viscosity is low. This product is best used in a spray bottle or something with a squirt top. We'd love to be able to provide these, but supplies across the province are very low at this point.
NPN: 80099043 || SDS available upon request
Our Continued Charitable Effort
A significant portion of the proceeds of the initiative will go back into producing sanitizer for individuals and organizations in need within our community. If you run a non-profit that is in need of sanitizer, please send us an email to sales@strathconaspirits.ca to request a donation.